Sunday 4 February 2018


Dear music students, especially those of you learning instruments, we will be looking at some do's and don'ts while learning your instrument. How to be a good student and how to make your instrument teacher love you and be happy being your teacher.

1. Don't Be Late!!!

Your teacher normally anticipates the time within which you might finish a practice session. Don't ever keep him waiting...

2. Revise and Practice Before Your Next Lesson

I for one, I feel sad when my student comes back after a week and has forgotten everything. I just tolerate, smile and guide the student to remember. But, I promise you, there are teachers that will crack your fingers with a wooden ruler. (Students of Mr. Sackey can relate)

3. Don't Be Idle When You Go For Your Lessons

While waiting for your teacher, play over what you were taught the previous lesson. Let your teacher hear the sound of music from a distance. This puts smiles on his or her face and becomes happy for efforts made.

4. Don't Always Wait To Be Spoon-fed

There is no harm in trying to learn ahead and go the extra mile. Teachers are proud of students who take them by surprise by learning to play harder pieces. Imagine your teacher gives your homework to practice Bach's Invention No. 1 and then you kill it, and learn the Hungarian Rhapsody. What more would a teacher want. Imagine the relief.

5. Surprise Your Teacher With A Gift Spontaneously

Occasionally, you should give your teacher a gift. The gift could be in any form. Forget about the money you pay; the knowledge you are receiving from him is priceless.

6. Finish What You Started

When you pick an instrument to learn, stay focused and stay faithful. See the instrument like your lover and don't cheat on it. No instrument is easy to learn. They all have their challenges. So keep going and you'll master.

7. Never Go To A Recital Without Informing Your Teacher

It is very necessary to make your teacher aware before you go for any recital. They will give you some tips to guide you. Also, they will support you better during your recital and their presence alone will give you all the confidence you need.

8. Listen and Do Whatever Your Teacher Tells You To Do

Certain things your teacher will tell you to do may seem awkward. From example, your trumpet teacher could ask you to tear pieces of paper, put them in your mouth one by one and spit them out. Just do it. There is a reason for any activity done prior to your instrument's lessons.

9. Embrace The Art Of Reading Music

All prodigies and Virtuosos are excellent because they accepted and grasped music theory. If you want to be one of the best instrumentalists and not be taken for granted, learn how to read music as well. If you have started already and facing difficulties, just continue. Instrumentalists who read music are hot cakes. Trust me.

10. Do Not Stop Practicing

Practice every day. Just practice. I said practice. Pratice! PRactice !! PRActice!!! PRACtice!!!! PRACTice!!!!! PRACTIce!!!!!! PRACTICe!!!!!!! PRACTICE!!!!!!!!

So, this is it. Don't give up on you instrument and don't forget that teachers are special. They are the only people who don't get jealous of you when you become better than them. Also, remember to teach someone too. It will make you greater.

I'd like everyone who has a teacher to tell them this, "You are awesome and thank you for the priceless lessons".


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