Saturday 10 March 2018


From medieval times till present, churches have been known to be places that cannot do without music. Both instrumental and vocal music are featured in church services and the structures differ from era to era or from church to church. Choral music in church started as male choirs during the medieval to the renaissance period and later, women were added in order to sing higher registers. Choristers went through serious training to enhance sacred music. As time went on, the organ was brought into the church and prodigies and people with promising musical talents were trained.

Till today, a lot of churches invest into their youth to ensure that their talents in music are nurtured so that they can serve their church alone. (SELFISH THOUGHT!!!) Some churches don’t invest in and motivate their youngsters and as a result, some youths who are promising lose interest. And then, gbam! Talent killed. I will be drawing some lines between two types of churches and how each of them treat music in their churches and I’m sure you’ll be able to relate, name fingers and point names… (That was definitely intentional).

1. A church where some instruments are not allowed and a church that is open minded when it comes to musical instruments.

Basically, I find any church that exempts some instruments as a church that has a problem. Why should one deem certain instruments as evil and others as good? Or why should some be permissible and others, non-permissible? It just doesn’t make sense. For those who don’t even allow the playing of any instrument at all, their problem is on a different level. I can imagine how boring church services would be like. Churches that allow variety of instruments are those that produce the most talented youths.

2. A church that employs professional music directors and a church that takes delight in using someone just because he or she is born again.

Music groups that are lead by people with less proficiency in music are dead musical groups and have no future. The musicians in such groups are made to think they are serving God but whatever they think they may be offering is unacceptable. Time for rehearsals is divided and most is used for prayers. This explains why there are noisier hymn champion orchestras than serious symphony orchestras in Ghana especially. I thought the Bible teaches that God wants the best. Well… Kudos to churches that employ professionals to train their youths. It is clear how music groups in churches outshine that of other churches.

3. A gender discriminate church and a church that uses all youths despite their gender.

Sadly, some churches don’t allow females to have anything at all to do with music in the church. Yes! Believe it or not! Nothing at all!! Not even singing. In some cases, certain instruments are assigned to a specific gender. I knew of a church which stopped their ladies from learning brass instruments because they heard a so called medical claim that brass instruments can cause barrenness. (Then I guess Alison Balsom, one of the most brilliant female trumpeters is barren too). Fortunately, as time went on, they let go of that notion. In that same church, a lady was stopped from conducting because they believed she was leading the men astray because she shook her butt anytime she threw her hand. I can imagine how weak the men are. A church that involves all gender in music is a shining church. What is the use in acting like a church in the medieval period?

4. A church that motivates musicians and a church that indirectly insults its musicians

A keyboardist in one church was told he plays hymns like he is playing for Chris Brown. How Pathetic! In the first place, how did the so called Pastor even know of the style of Chris Brown’s music if he doesn’t listen? There are good churches that motivate their musicians by tipping them with some “coins”, buying their costumes and linking them to high places. ICGC is one of the churches I admire so much when it comes to motivating their musicians. For their annual event Greater Works, the orchestra members reside in a hotel, they are provided with costumes, fed and paid after the event. I’m not saying churches should pay their musicians, all I am saying is; a word of encouragement is enough to motivate the youthful musician.

5. A church that judges its youthful musicians and a church that reasons with its youthful musicians

An instrumentalist was not able to attend his local church because he travelled with the orchestra to other branches of the church to minister and his pastor’s wife of that local church told him that he is exchanging his salvation with music. (The most heartless comment I’ve ever heard). One lady in a campus fellowship is being treated like an outcast just because she sings with a music band in another church. In my case, I was told God is not happy with me for being a member of the University Choir. They are judging. Are they not the ones that God is unhappy with? Then I guess God is probably unhappy with churches that allow their youths to shine in other places and learn new things because they know God is everywhere. Nope. I don’t think so. God is rather happy with churches that do not behave politically and not churches where leadership uses its position to dampen the musically enthusiastic spirit of its youth.

You may have a story of how your church is either nurturing or killing your talent. You can send it in the comments section. But remember, don’t let the activities of a church that acts like a corrupted government kill your talent. Build yourself and practice more. Don’t turn down invitations to perform. Go out and make someone smile with your voice or instrument. Your talent was granted to you to serve the universe and not a small group of selfish individuals alone. I want to give a big shout out to ONA Records and its CEO, Mr. Richard Densu for training youths who have promising talents and also their dedication to promoting them.

I am the Black Handel. I’m out.


  1. This is an Amazingly factual piece. Most readers have in one way or the other been victims including myself.
    I used to be the kind that would have obliged and allowed my talent die, just because I am a youth and can therefore not sing to adults... Sometimes these leaders forget Christ himself began teaching the gospel at a tender age and hence, a youth, who is much older than young Christ can as well minister to inspire and transform an adult soul.
    In school, I'd been dormant, only singing on the corridors of my hostel throughout my first year, with frieds and colleagues asking why I wasn't ministering on campus... my only reason was that I'd been cuffed to my denomination on my campus where there were no instruments, with almost no singing at service...

    Currently, I've joined a ministry on campus, and in a short while I've been made a leader in their music department, helping to nurture their choir to be better. I currently am a step away from joining the university's choir. Right now, I don't care what others may say... wherever the master calls me to minister, I will go. It won't just be in a single denomination.

    1. Wonderful. That's excellent. Don't just be at a place where you'll not be used to your full potential. Fear no leader. They are human like yourself and have no right to keep your talent to themselves

  2. Very true Bro! I hope churches that don't pay attention to music to that some day

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