Tuesday 31 December 2019


Kudos to all Churches paying their musicians based on agreements made. I salute musicians who also have intentions of using their skill in church for free not because they succombed to emotional blackmail from Pastors but because it is their choice.

In the Bible, the people assigned to work in the Temple of God were the Levites. (Numbers 18:6) In the first book of Chronicles, the division of labour in the church is seen. Altogether there were 38,000 Levites. 24,000 of them were to supervise the work of building the Lord’s Temple. 6000 were made court officers and judges. 4000 were gatekeepers, and 4000 included musicians. David made special musical instruments for them. They were tasked to use them to praise the Lord. (1 Chronicles 23:1-5)

Were they paid? Hell Yes. In Numbers 18:21, God stated clearly, "Behold, I have given to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as an inheritance in return for the work they do, the service of the Tent of Meeting." Who are the Levites in Church today? People who work in the Modern Day church. Ushers, MUSICIANS, and leaders such as deacons, bishops, and priests. Because the churches in modern times have become business entities, we now have Church accountants, secretaries, managers, and even marketers.

Unfortunately, most church leaders think it is okay for all these modern-day Levites to be paid but leaving out musicians. In a lately trending video, a pastor who I believe needs proper legal and theological education claimed church musicians taking any form of payment are thieves and cousins of Satan (whatever that means).

Music is the full-time job of some church members. You are not expecting him to get bread from a bakery for free because he is a musician for God. Pastors must respect our hustle. If you are a pastor and you are true to yourself, read Numbers 18:20 and stop being a cheat. If a musician demands pay for his skill, you have to pay else you can seek musicians who will be willing to do it for free. Any pastor who will torture a musician emotionally because he or she demanded payment is no better than the devil. We have watched pastors extort money from their members to better their own lives: building luxurious houses and riding in flashy cars. Yet they can not even pay the fees of a musician in their church.

My advice to musicians, do not let any religious leader disrespect your job as a musician. If you are okay with transportation allowance or playing for free, no problem. But if you demand payment, and such leaders are not in agreement, leave. The musicianship is a trade and not just a hobby. Do not be cheated.

Kudos to all Churches paying their musicians based on agreements made. I salute musicians who also have intentions of using their skill in church for free not because they succumbed to emotional blackmail from Pastors but because it is their choice. I leave you all with a short powerful message from Sonnie Badu:

A merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To Us All.

Monday 8 October 2018


Looks like the president promised the country more choirs in addition to what we have. Every month, there seems to be a new choir springing from each corner in the country and they all end up using the word, "Chorale", a trend we are all tired off.

To give a bit of education; Chorale is a musical form invented by German composers for their cantatas. An example is, "Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme" by J. S. Bach. Choirs that performed this musical form were and are known to be called chorales. As time went on, American English adopted the word to be synonymous to the word, "choir". Later on, Harmonious Chorale was established in Ghana and then Vocal Essence Chorale.

So many choirs have followed this trend without knowing its routes and they attached weird names - people now name their choirs like churches. What happened to synonyms like Chorus, Choir (which won't cost to use), and even singing society. I saw the name of a choir, In Him Is Life Chorale and I was confused for a moment. Just like in naming churches whereby names are exhausted, the same thing is happening for choirs as they keep choosing funny names. I would give more of these funny suggestions for people who want to establish choirs and follow a trend that we are all tired of.

1. Showers of Blessings Chorale

2. God's Time is the Best Chorale

3. Jesus is Alive Chorale

4. Pillar of God Chorale

5. The Lord is Our Shepherd Chorale

6. I Surrender All Chorale

7. God is Good Chorale

8. Divine Blessings Chorale

9. God is with Us Chorale

10. Because He Lives Chorale

And many more. You can add your suggestions.
NB: This is a satirical article and there is no use taking it personal.

Saturday 4 August 2018


I have always wanted to bring out hidden talents and expose the expertise of many keyboardists who are hidden from the spotlight either intentionally or because of the groups they are associated with. Some of you may know these keyboardists but they are not known by the majority. Look at the list below and let's fish them out.

1. Ransford Addae

Ransford is an old student of St. Peter's Senior High School. He was the organist of the school choir at that time and proved himself as an instrumental figure in changing the phase of music produced by the choir. He bought into the dreams of his predecessor, Kwabena Asante (now tenor part leader of VocalEssence Chorale) and implemented his (Kwabena) plans to make St. Peter's School Choir what it is today. He is now a member of the Tema Youth Choir.

2. Dominic Andrews

According to research, Dominic began to play the keyboard when he was 10 years old. He is a former organist for the Korle Bu Youth Choir. He was chief organist of the school choir of Pope John Senior High School and Minor Seminary. He is now an organist with Dansoman Youth Choir.

3. Presley Joe Black

Presley is an all-genre pianist; he mostly performs jazz and classical music. He is the CEO of the School of Piano and Keyboard Playing, SOPAKP, (a rather difficult acronym to pronounce. It's pronounced with a silent 'P' at the end). This initiative happens to be mostly online on WhatsApp groups. Through this medium, he has trained many pianists through his write ups and articles. He is a fan of Chopin and can play almost all of Chopin's etudes.

4. Elijah Gyasi

Elijah happens to be the award winner of the Ghana's Favourite Love Song Competition which was organised by Choral Music Ghana in February this year. He is a very brilliant pianist who graduated as a music student from the University of Education, Winneba. He is currently the music director and organist at the St. Bakhita Catholic Church.

5. Elikem Seake-Kwawu

ESK as he is commonly known as is a Mozart advocate and a student of Presley Joe Black. He is also a member of the Allegro classics. He is also a very brilliant pianist with a large repertoire of pieces at his fingertips. He has some compositions which includes his "Stay with me" which he composed to compete in the Ghana's Favourite Love Song Competition.

6. Seyram Yawo Afealete

You thought she was only a violinist. Haha! The violin is only her second instrument. Her first love is the piano and she is a guru. She was an organist for the school choir when she was a student at Arch Bishop Porter Girls. She has been one of my motivations when it comes to piano music. She is a student at the University of Education, Winneba and currently a member of the Heavenly Jewels Choir and Orchestra and I'm sure they didn't know she is a pianist.

7. Constant Ahadzi

This is one pianist who dares to play what other pianists fear to play. Not much is known about him, but looking at some of his personal videos, I can testify that he is at the level of virtuosity.

8. Francis Yankey

Sorry I used your graduation pic Francis, but I did anyway. Dear reader, Francis is a keyboardist who can easily be undermined because of his extreme humble nature. Having studied under Eyeson and Kwame Appiah Jnr of Harmonious Chorale, he is very agile on the keys despite his big fingers. I'll call him Ghana Rachmaninoff or better still the Black Rachmaninoff. He is currently a keyboardist of Catholic Philharmonic Choir. Oh yeah, I failed to mention that he was also an organist of Pope John Senior High School Choir.

9. Prince Charles

Allah Fresh Boy! This is another One-Man Orchestra who has succeeded in hiding himself from the spotlight. Choral Music Ghana got hold of one of his videos and shared it on their page. It was a video of him playing Michael Mieza's arrangement of "Daa mebor me sanku daa". It's funny how we saw the video but his face wasn't clear.

10. Emefa Anku

Here is a serious culprit who has been in hideout for so long. She is an old student of St. Roses Senior High and was also the choir's organist. When I was in SHS, I watched her play Newlove Annan's "But They That Wait" in a grand classical style. She has also performed with the Symphonic Kings Choir and finally gone into hiding again.

Anas names, shames and jails but I name, expose and popularize. If your name didn't appear in this list, it is because my eye hasn't caught you or you are already in the spolight and also, there is a part two. I will find you and name you. I urge every reader to share this article. If you know any keyboardist, let's name him or her and expose them. I have also place a hyper link on the names under the pictures. Click on it to see the profiles of these keyboardists who want to hide. The Black Handel. Face The Music.

Tuesday 17 July 2018


On the 16th of July, the ChoralDem group, Choral Music Ghana Team and fans of Harmonious Choral waited at the airport to welcome Harmonious Chorale warmly from South Africa and congratulate them. Most of us have been following the successes of HC during the World Choir Games - Tshwane 2018 organised by Interkultur. They were acknowledged by some of the media groups and Choral organizations.

While some organizations updated their social media pages with Welcome Messages for Harmonious Chorale, an institution rebranded the popular faces we know and gave us a Harmonious Chorale without a James Varrick Armaah. ๐Ÿ˜• Below is the post which is now trending and has made the institution a laughing stock.

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm wasted out of laughter. I'll always be your Black Handel. I'm out.

Tuesday 10 July 2018


10. Yensi den kamfo wo

This piece was composed by Newlove Annan. It contains a lot of counterpoints where by the parts sing different phrases simultaneously. The pieces has a lot of elements of contemporary music.

9. Arm! Arm ye brave

At almost every concert, there is always a bass soloist who wants to perform this bass aria from Judas Maccabaeus composed by George Frideric Handel. In the performance of the oratorio by VocalEssence Chorale on the 2nd of July, a lot of people sang along with Bass soloist, Francis Nyamekeh. This is an evidence of how common this aria has become.

8. Nya Gyedzi

This was composed by J. W. Sey. After Harmonious Chorale popularized it during the Festival of Praise and Worship concert in 2017, many choirs have replicated the arrangements keep on singing it during each and every concert.

7. Owenfo

"Owenfo" was composed by the late Ellen White. This piece was dedicated to one Mr. Bello Justice in Sunyani and sang for the first time by the Orion's Gate Chorale in Kumasi. Today, it is one of the most requested pieces by many music directors.

6. Dzidzorm

Forget the stigmatization against Voltarians. This piece is one of the local dialect pieces in which so many people have pleasure. It was composed by Kenn Kafui. The piece was almost consigned to neglect until it caught the attention of many Ghanaians when the keyboardists of Harmonious Chorale arranged a splendid accompaniment for it.

5. Mensi den

This is a breathtaking piece composed by James Varrick Armmah, music director of Harmonious Chorale. It is piece of thanksgiving to God and hence, its popularity at many concerts.

4. Mida akpe na Mawu

Also composed by Kenn Kafui, it was a piece that was very popular in the Volta Region and was adopted by the Police Brass Band. The Abibimma Youth Choir in Suhum popularized it in Eastern Region and now, almost every choir sings it.

3. Gyata bruwa

It was composed by Osei Boateng. This piece has become so popular that it is used as voice training and sound check. One beautiful part of the music is the counterpoint the alto part comes in with at the cadences.

2. Homma y mbo ose

This highlife was composed by Prof. Yaw Sekyi-Baidoo. It has some kind of serious groove that gets every listener on their feet. Also, many keyboardists play it in their solo works and it's either the first or the last.

1. Oye

A concert will never come to an end without this popular piece composed by James Varrick Armaah. Today, contemporary musicians have adopted the piece and sing it at gospel rock shows and during praise medleys at Charismatic Churches.

Monday 25 June 2018


All the time, we hear some tunes that we enjoy so much and we sometimes use as as our ringtones or signature tracks. A very common example is the Nokia Ringtone. But did you know that this cute fancy tune is a classical piece? Just as I thought, you didn't. Read the article to find out more.

1. The Nokia Ringtone

This short passage was taken from the piece "Grand Vals" by Francisco Tรกrrega for guitar. Originally, "Grand Vals" was taken from Chopin's waltz "Grand Valse Brilliante" which he composed in 1834. The vice President of Nokia in the person of Anssi Vanjoki and Lauri Kivinen who was then Head of Corporate Communications selected bars 13-16 as the common Nokia Ringtone we hear now.

2. The Cat Concerto

The Cat Concerto is the 29th episode of Tom and Jerry. It was an episode where Tom was a concert pianist, playing a classical piece and doing it with enjoyable flair. Unfortunately his playing awakes Jerry, who sleeps inside the grand piano. This leads to a chase in and around the piano. The piece was originally composed by Franz Liszt and named as "Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2", a very challenging piece dared to be played by virtuosic talents alone.

3. The National Maths and Science Quiz Them Song

This sound track has rung in our minds for more than 10 years now. It has brought good and bad memories to students who either won or lost the competition. This theme is an excerpt of "Voi che sapete" from the opera "Figaro" composed by Mozart

4. Thine Be The Glory

This is a hymn sang by most Orthodox churches all over the globe. It is mostly used during Easter to commemorate the Rising of Jesus Christ on the third. The origin of this hymn is from a chorus entitled "See the conq'ring hero comes" from Judas Maccabeus. It was composed by George Friedrich Handel. This piece was also included in his oratorio, "Joshua".

5. UEFA Champions League Anthem

This anthem has proven to be one of the most inspirational anthems even to the ears of those who do not understand the languages used in it. It was composed by Tony Britten in 1992. This anthem was adapted from Britain's most popular coronation anthem, Zadok The Priest which was composed by Handel.

6. Millenium Prayer

The title may not sound familiar, but the song is one of the most popular songs on the Lord's Prayer. The musician Cliff Richard set the words of the Lord's Pray to this tune. Originally, the tune is a hymn composed by Robert Burns called "Auld lang syne" translated from old English as Old Long Since.

7. You Raise Me Up

Who composed the tune of this song? ...... I knew you'd say Josh Groban. I just busted his ass. The origin of the tune is from a funeral song entitled "Silent Story" composed by an Irish-Norwegian called Rolf Lovland. It was performed for the very first time at his mother's funeral.

8. Battle Hymn of The Republic

If you were thinking the tune in this piece was composed by a ManU fan, you are fatally mistaken. Manchester United fanatics decided to use it as the club's song. It surprised me when I found out that the original tune was from the song "John Brown's body". The lyrics were collectively written by a group of Union soldiers for John Brown.

So now we know the origin of some of the tunes of which we kept on wondering about their history. Feel free to share any other popular tunes and their origins.

Wednesday 20 June 2018


I keep wondering why Russian composers almost always have either 'ovich', 'nov', or 'sky' at the end of their names. There are composers with names such as Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, and Polikarpovich. Let's see how the names of some of our cherished Ghanaian composers would sound if they were Russians.

1. James Varrinsky Armaahnovich

2. Alfredoff Addaqov

3. Newlovich Annansky

4. Georgiev Essiloff Mensky

5. J. H. Kwabenei Nketrov

6. Yawev Sekyi-Baidovich

7. Sam Asarechenko Bediansky

8. Augusky Sobenovich

That's all folks. Enjoy your day. Feel free to add yours in the comments.